Coach Ian – Week in Review:
Reminder: Vote!
You can request a ballot-by-mail here. It is recommended to mail your ballot in at least 10 days prior to the election. If voting by person, you can find your nearest polling place here.
Get Tested for COVID!
After traveling for the first time this year, Kathy and I got tested for COVID-19. Tests are free and easy to get – you can book an appointment in Santa Clara here. We took our tests at the drive-through test-site at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds and received our results (both negative) by Tuesday.
Quote of the Week:
“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.” -Seneca
Turning 30:
I celebrated my birthday by running 30 miles, as inspired by Dean Karnazes, Rich Roll (40), and many others in the ultra community.
Boxing Share of the Week:
I put together a few breakdowns of the Teofimo Lopez vs Vasiliy Lomachenko fight, with some coming in the next few days. My first share is the body work Teofimo did, particularly whenever Lomachenko’s feet weren’t set. That opportunity left after round 7 when Lomachenko pressed forward.
In addition, I posted a breakdown of Teofimo Lopez’ work countering Lomachenko’s angles, and Lomachenko’s subsequent adjustments.
Interesting Read of the Week:
Topo Chico – One of my favorite drinks is half a cup of Topo Chico, half a cup of water, and some Biosteel Electrolytes. Unfortunately, this article shows that Topo Chico is a little higher in PFAs, a synthetic class of chemicals than some other comparable brands. I’ll probably still drink some, but may switch over sometimes to La Croix or other brands.
An interesting conversation I had:
Recently, I’ve been catching up with members of our boxing, running, and fitness community to see what they’re up to! I enjoy highlighting some of the members of our community and bridging different communities – boxing, running, and fitness, so people can see a little bit of what others do.
This week, I spoke to Earl Hooks – the founder of Hook’d on Fitness, Boyz N The Woods, and a former participant on American Ninja Warrior.

In our talk, Earl Hooks shares his powerful story of his battle with alcoholism, his recovery and fitness journey, his current addiction – a 1,150+ day run streak of 5K or more, training for TAJI 100 and the Ventura Marathon, his commitment to the youth and community, his Boyz N The Woods trail running group (and their partnership with Pacific Coast Trail Runs), his experience with American Ninja Warrior, and what he’s up to now.
It was an enlightening and inspirational talk for me, and it even carried over into my 30 mile birthday run the following day. Thanks for taking the time, Earl, I can’t wait to post the video in the next week!
What’s New at Dreamland Boxing:
Happy Birthday Masaya!
Check out coach Sara Koshfam in this training video at Checkmate Boxing!
Also, Dreamland Coach and professional fighter, Vicky Zhao, shot some awesome footage for Dozen Boxing – stay tuned!
As you may know, I am currently donating my time to host virtual online boxing classes for the members of our 501c(3) non-profit boxing gym, Dreamland Boxing. As an active member of Dreamland, you will receive the materials and video recaps of each lesson through my website under the “Premium Drills” section.
This week, we broke down the Teofimo Lopez vs Vasiliy Lomachenko fight. In our breakdowns, we talked about what each fighter did with success against an opponent of the opposite stance. You can view our full practices here.
On Friday, we had boxers practice shadowboxing in front of each other, similar to how Rahim Gonzalez did here. In addition we did catch-and-counter drills and a lot of strength and conditioning work. You can view the full practice and related drills here.
Meanwhile, Santa Clara County has been upgraded to allow 25% indoor capacity for gyms! I am taking things cautiously, and am keeping my classes outdoors for the time being, but Dreamland does have indoor options to suit your needs.
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Visit or email for more information on how to sign up today!