Coach Ian – Week In Review: 07/18/2021
Book I’m Reading
North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail
By Scott Jurek and Jenny Jurek
Run Streak and Running Goals:
Progress: As of 7/18/21, I’ve now run 870 miles for the year, while maintaining my 199-day run streak.
The Big Chief 50K:
Wow, the elevation and heat were no joke. I think I learned the most about my body during this race. The Big Chief 50K was in Tahoe (starting at Northstar) and done at 6,500 – 7,800 ft elevation with 4,000 ft elevation gain. I strapped on my heart rate monitor and had my continuous glucose monitor and used the two data points to help with my pacing and fueling strategy. Race recap coming soon!

Recovery Tool I’m Using:
Leg Massager with Heat Air Compression – Not quite a Normatec, but 1/10th the price! I typically pop into my recovery center (Sports Medicine Institute) whenever I need to use a Normatec, but this tool is great for at-home use.
Hyperice Vibrating Foam Roller – Foam rolling is a must for runners! I spend a lot of time on my IT Band and around my shin to increase range of motion and get more blood flow to those areas.
Track Work for a Pro Boxer:
I’ve been taking Mark Salgado to the track to do his sprints and track workouts in preparation for his pro debut. His work rate is incredible, and we strapped up a heart rate monitor to him while he’s working. He has a program of various interval workouts before finishing up with 800m repeats with 1 minute rest in between. Mark gets his heart rate down to Zone 2 very quickly within that minute and is ready to do another repeat.
Some of his workouts are loosely based off of the sprint workouts laid out here, with modifications for him making his pro boxing debut (four 3-minute rounds with 1 minute rest).
Podcast I Listened To:
How to Focus to Change Your Brain | Huberman Lab Podcast #6

This Week at Dreamland Boxing:
Our classes have been increased to 16 people per class. Also, open gym hours have been extended from 9:30AM to 12:30PM and a Beginner’s Boxing Class on Saturdays at noon with Coach Eric. See the full updates here.
Dreamland Boxing has re-opened for outdoor classes. Classes will be capped and there will be no waitlist for classes. Come join me on Fridays at 4:30PM for a workout!
Also, I have continued to host our virtual boxing sessions. Thank you to our members for keeping your memberships active and continuing to support our gym during this time. And I’m personally glad to have been able to aid in your boxing development all year!
Our virtual practices this week featured the following:
- Why moving to the right is unnatural
- Why not to throw the left hook to the body then the right hook to the body (and when to!)
- Setting up combinations with the left hook
- Body weight circuits
- Kettlebell Single-Arm Swings and Turkish Get-Ups
- And more!
You can find a full list of drills if you are a current Dreamland Boxing member in the Premium Drills section of my website
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