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COVID-19 Genetic Pre-Dispositions

This is definitely not my area, but I went down the rabbit hole the other day of looking into the genetic factors that can show risk pre-dispositions to severe complications from COVID-19. I used my data from my 23andMe (V5) test taken in December 2017. Prevention: TMPRSS2 – Priming stage: Before the virus binds to ACE2 receptors, TMPRSS2 changes the spikes (S proteins) into a different shape, known as “priming” which allows the newly primed S proteins to bind to ACE2 and enter a human cell. Theory: Compounds that block TMPRS can treat COVID-19 Experimental support: Mice without TMPRSS2 are… Read More »COVID-19 Genetic Pre-Dispositions

Book Recs: Food Fix, AI Superpowers, Feeling Good

I thought I’d put out another summary of some recent reads. I’ve been mixing it up lately.. Food Fix: Mark Hyman – This is Mark Hyman’s latest book, this time tackling the policy changes that need to be made for our healthcare system to change. Everyone is talking about “flattening the curve” and, yes, that is our most urgent, pressing need at this moment. But imagine if our healthcare system wasn’t already near capacity and less people had the risk factors to turn COVID-19 more lethal? The book also has interesting insights on how factory farmed meat and processed frankenmeats (Beyond/Impossible Burgers)… Read More »Book Recs: Food Fix, AI Superpowers, Feeling Good

Gym Closures During the Pandemic

Dreamland Boxing Training Center has been my second home since I was 14. Since then, I’ve become active in a number of several other communities (trail running, PerformanceGaines, etc.), inspired by all the incredible stories of all those I’m surrounded by. The past week has been a whirlwind, with all of my daily routines broken and goals (Big Sur Marathon) set aside. It can be hard to stay motivated with no end goal (most events cancelled) in sight and no community to keep you accountable! So I’m calling out everyone to check-in with others and stay motivated! We’re working on setting… Read More »Gym Closures During the Pandemic

COVID-19 Initial Thoughts

“Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.” – Seneca  One lesson this whole ordeal has taught me is how truly hard it is to slow down. I was a big proponent of large events getting cancelled, but wasn’t willing to stop preparing for them until they officially did. Now while this shelter-in-place may come as a shock to many, I think it’s a great time to reassess our current direction, reconnect with others, and… Read More »COVID-19 Initial Thoughts

COVID-19 Podcast Rec

Hope all of you are staying safe and healthy. Like many of you, my eyes have been glued to the endless stories coming out on the topic. In particular, I’ve been following Peter Attia for an understanding of the mechanism of the virus. A big difference from the Spanish flu and prior epidemics is that the Spanish flu would cause the immune system to become hyperactive, thus, young people and pregnant women were most at risk. In the coronavirus, immune response does not seem to have an impact on the disease. The virus attacks both the lungs and heme in… Read More »COVID-19 Podcast Rec

Food and Travel

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  • September 13, 2019April 22, 2021

Maintaining your health during travel, while allowing yourself some of the treats each city has to offer!

10 Recommended Running and Health Books

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  • June 28, 2019September 19, 2021

Here are 10 books on running and health that I’ve read recently that I would highly recommend: 26 Marathons by Meb Keflezighi: Each chapter covers one of the 26 marathons that Meb raced competitively, and the lessons he learned from it. He was remarkably consistent, over a long period of time.  Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown: I was recommended this one a week before my VO2 max test.  Top takeaways: Practice nasal breathing and breath holds! I learned about your BOLT score, which measures how long you can hold your breathe and how that affects you in every aspect of… Read More »10 Recommended Running and Health Books


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  • June 25, 2019December 9, 2021

Tracking recovery – Heart Rate Variability (HRV): I ditched my Fitbit last year and switched over to an Oura Ring. While my Fitbit was a great tool to get me off the couch, I realized I need less motivation to get up and moving, and more incentive to rest and recover. Now, instead of being ultra-competitive with step challenges, I wake up looking for high recovery scores. The Oura (like the Apple Watch) tracks Heart Rate Variability, or the beat to beat variance in heart rate during sleep. This data provides a good view on your autonomic nervous system activity… Read More »HRV

Alcohol and Training

Alcohol and training: We all know that alcohol impacts sleep/recovery, but it’s interesting to just see by how much! 🍺 This past Saturday, I went to a wedding and had a few drinks. On Sunday morning, my “recovery score” showed up at 45 (terrible), my resting heart rate shot up to 55 and my heart-rate variability was in the 20s. For perspective, my RHR stays between 38-42bpm and my HRV is normally 60-70. I’ve noticed my heart rate stays elevated 15-20bpm on nights that I drink, as it’s working “overtime” to compensate. 🏋️‍♂️ I wasn’t hung over on Sunday and… Read More »Alcohol and Training