No Sugar Snacking!
No Sugar Snacking: Coach Ian’s recommendations for low or no sugar snacks that you can eat without crashing throughout the day.
No Sugar Snacking: Coach Ian’s recommendations for low or no sugar snacks that you can eat without crashing throughout the day.
Running Mistakes – Everyone makes them training for their first marathon. From not knowing how to fuel, to wearing improper running shoes, a poor stride, or not tapering, nobody gets everything “perfect”.
The biggest issues I had in training for my first marathon were my expectations. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. I didn’t know how hard it is to BQ. I didn’t realize how much harder the trails are than road races. I didn’t know how to structure the mileage of my run and what burnout is. I didn’t know how to fuel, how to fix my stride, and how to breathe. And I made a few other funny mistakes along the way.
How to improve running form to prevent injuries
What athletes and marathon runners should consider when transitioning to a meatless diet and how to avoid deficiencies.
How to interpret hydration metrics on your body fat scan.
Take advantage of your annual bloodwork, but not only to check off that everything is “normal”, but to understand what’s going on.
My fastest marathon didn’t coincide with the typical training story of having the most logged miles and vigorous training leading up to race day. Heading into the Mountains 2 Beach marathon, I had been averaging about 20 miles per week, but had sufficient cross training to feel comfortable with my aerobic capacity to be able to run the marathon. My marathon race strategy seemed a little unconventional – to pace myself for the first half according to the highest pace at which I could maintain nasal breathing.
How alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama) can help improve your health and the differences of breathing which each nostril.
The Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon, 10K & 5K are GOING VIRTUAL (@sanfranciscohalfmarathon) and I’m joining in as an official Ambassador! Enter any of the races individually or sign up for the “Triple” Peaks Challenge to tackle all three. You’ll receive a participant shirt and medal just for signing up. Registration opens Nov. 2nd.
Running 30 Miles for my 30th Birthday (RACE REPORT)