Coach Ian – Week in Review 01/27/2023
Happy New Year, and happy lunar new year! It’s been a while since I’ve written – hope you all are starting your year off right. I started off this was a familiar resolution – to run every day, just as I did in 2021. And wow, has it been hard.. The first few days were a real struggle, with me running much slower than my usual pace. It’s easy to think about “what I used to be able to do”. But it’s all about perspective. I’m trying to keep up how far I used to run, but not how fast I used to run. So I’m running my daily 5Ks, but at a pace much slower than before. As we get closer to the end of the month, the runs have finally gotten easier. But it took me a good 3 weeks of daily running, most of them very slow, to get to this point. Moral of the story: Show up. Be consistent. But also be patient and kind to yourself in your expectations. Boxing Lesson: How much should I run to get started in Boxing Coach Vanessa (@coachvsanchez) had a great idea of putting together a series with Dreamland coaches sharing their knowledge of boxing – answering different questions every week. Follow @coachvsanchez, @dreamlandboxing, or @trainwithian to follow along! My first question was How much should I run to get started in Boxing?. The long answer would be to read my article on it, “Conditioning For Boxing“, which gives more specific recommendations for workouts. But check out what I had to say below! |
Turkish Get Ups: A full body workout Turkish Get Ups are one of the most versatile workouts you can do. They’re great for improving strength, balance, muscle coordination, and stability, while working your shoulders, back, hip, chest, biceps, triceps, knees and legs. It also covers all three planes of motions: the sagittal (forward and back) plane, frontal (side to side) plane, and transverse (rotational) plane. Lately, I’ve been incorporating these at the end of our Dreamland Boxing team’s workouts. They go through boxing, do various EMOMs with KB swings or other KB complexes to get their heart rate up, then finish off with TGU’s. Similar to how we structured things during the pandemic, we break the Turkish Get Up into segments. For example, they may only go from the ground up to the kneeling position (prior to the lunge to stand up). Or maybe they will start with a KB clean + overhead press, and reverse down into the position with one hand on the ground. If this isn’t in your routine, try adding it to your workouts! Suggested Read: |
Updates at Dreamland Boxing (01/24/2023)
• Happy birthday Mark Salgado (1/12) and Coach Fernando (1/13)!
• The Dreamland Boxing Masters was on 1/21/23
• Thank you to Brett Ostrowski for the Master’s Event photos
• Thank you to Gopa Boxing for coming by for sparring
• Dreamland hats are available for sale at the gym!
• You must sign up for Intro to Sparring and Members Sparring via our class registration link. You will not be allowed to spar without registering first!
• Full video on

Coach Ian’s Classes:
As you may know, I am currently donating my time to host virtual online boxing classes for the members of our 501c(3) non-profit boxing gym, Dreamland Boxing. As an active member of Dreamland, you will receive the materials and video recaps of each lesson through my website under the “Premium Drills” section.
Join me for a class on Fridays at 4:30PM!
Our practices this week featured the following:
- Generating power from the hip
- Sitting on punches
- Moving forwards and backwards
- Being able to punch moving backwards
- Maintaining distance
You can view our full practices here.
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