2022 Year in Review
Happy New Year Everyone!
Wishing all my subscribers a healthy and happy New Years! This year has been an eventful one for me personally, and at Dreamland Boxing.
Quote heading into the New Year:
“When you don’t do your best, you are denying yourself the right to be you.”
Don Miguel Ruiz
2022 Highlights at Dreamland Boxing:
Thank you to everyone for being a part of our Dreamland Boxing community! We had an eventful year with competitions, our gym expansion, and community events. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2023!
Dreamland Boxing 2022 Highlights
- SILVER GLOVE CHAMPIONS: Congrats to Leo Sanchez and Cozme Figueroa for winning the NorCal Silver Gloves
- COMPETITION: Congrats to Art Amirkhas, Dominic Pezzella, Tommy Moreno, Labi Isiaka, Leo and Cozme for competing this year
- PRO FIGHTS: Mark Salgado had two pro fights, including a bout against Emiliano Vargas at the Forum in LA
- DREAMLAND SHOW: Dreamland Boxing hosted the “JR Never Give Up” Boxing event in April 2022
- PARTICIPATION: Our team participated at Benjamin’s Boxing Showdown, the Aloha Throwdown, and the Silver Gloves
- HALF-MARATHON: Tommy, Rob, and Mark ran their first half-marathon at the Monterey Bay Half Marathon
- EXPANSION: Dreamland Boxing expanded next door! (July 2022)
- KIDS CLASSES: We added kids classes and hosted a kids sparring event!
- Thank you to Novato Boxing for coming by for Halloween Sparring
- Thank you to all the guests who came by for sparring
- Congrats to Lucas Ketelle on releasing your book, “Inside the Ropes of Boxing” and hosting a book signing at our gym
- Thank you to Brett Ostrowski (@sharpexposures) for the photographing our events
- RIP Angel “Hawk” Balderas
Dreamland Boxing – 2022 Highlights (@dreamlandboxing3322)
2022 Health and Fitness Reflection:
2022 was a year where I prioritized my financial health over my physical health. Fortunately, I’ve built some habits and tools that keep me from ever neglecting my physical and mental health. Right out of college, I got sucked into a lifestyle where I was consumed by my career and studying for the CPA – a period of time in my life where I gained 40lbs and felt sluggish and lethargic all the time.
I followed that period with a four-year deep-dive into my own health. Going to the opposite extreme – being obsessed with my bloodwork, nutrition, and physical accomplishments. I went from neglectful to hyper vigilant about my body. It was an incredible learning experience – one that I’ve documented across my blog and social media accounts.
The past three years have been a balance between the two. Remembering the tools I’ve picked up over time, but also knowing that there will be stretches where I can’t have the insane morning routine I used to, or always be in training to be in top-top shape. But never falling completely off the wagon, and still being able to do cool things like run a 50k, the New York Marathon, and do my breathwork when times get stressful.
As a trainer, I hope my message resonates with people in all different scenarios – whether they’re relentlessly pursuing their PRs or trying to maintain their health and fitness through a busy/stressful workweek.
Goal setting for 2023: Anthony Gustin’s Annual Review
This is the most comprehensive goal tracker I’ve come across so far. I really enjoyed going through all of the questions and revisiting goals in his different focus categories: physical health, mental health, spirituality, creativity, relationships, family, travel, fun, finances, and work.
I also copied over his template from Notion. In the past, I’ve used One Note to store my daily notes and checklists, but it gets hard to go through a workbook of 365+ tabs to find anything. I’m slowly transitioning to Notion, and I found his template quite helpful.

Health Share of the Week: $50 Off the Oura Ring!
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